Friday, January 26, 2007

Fine Art Friday: Seurat

Geoges Seurat: "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte"—1884, 1884–86 Oil on canvas

Last week while we were discussing some of the paintings in the online art detective activity, my son asked, "Oooh! Is that the guy that paints with all the dots?" I remembered how much he loved looking at Seurat a few years ago, and thought today might be a fun day to revisit him now that the kids are older. I found a wonderful website put together by the Art Institute of Chicago called Art Access. We will be reading about Seurat here in the Impressionism/Post Impressionism section.

This painting is particularly fascinating because of the technique: pointillism. Pointillism is the technique of applying small points of color to the canvas so that at a distance they blend together. My kids have always been intrigued by how "up close" it's a bunch of dots, but as you back away they form a very distinct picture with subtle shading, outlines and shadows. Of course, we'll have to try our hand at it as well... And for good measure, we'll practice saying the painting's title in French: "Un dimanche apres-midi a l'Ile de la Grande Jatte"

Appreciate something beautiful today!

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