Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Works-for-me Wednesday: Daily Assignment Sheets

I posted a WFMW this morning on my other blog about killing ants, but later as I headed into our school room I saw something else that works for me, so I thought I'd share that here today.

As I've posted before, I do my planning on my computer using Excel spreadsheets. This has been a lifesaver for me, and has really helped cut down on my arrows, erasing, and frustration because I can simply copy, paste, drag and move things and it always stays neat.

The kids like to have a daily assignment sheet rather than a whole week-at-a-glance (which seems kind of overwhelming, I must admit). Since my plan sheets are a week at a time, though, I came up with a way to not have to rewrite the sheets or create additional work for myself, but still have it in the format they prefer.

I simply go to my plan for that week, copy the cells (including the subject headers), open Microsoft Word, make the page format "landscape", paste the cells, and if it's not Monday, delete the cells for the previous day, which makes the current day shift up.
I then post their day's assignments on the front of their lockers with a magnetic clip. Here's what they see in the mornings:

(You can click on the pictures to see the sheets better.) I have the template for my lesson plan book to view or download here, but there are some great forms at Donna Young's site and others. Oh, and I bought these lockers years ago from a catalog which doesn't offer them anymore, but I there are cute ones here and all over the internet...

A quick way to get their assignments to them each day... works for me!

Hope you're having a wonderful week in school! For more ideas or to link your own, visit Shannon.


Amy Fox said...

great tips! I love that your kids have lockers makes it more like their public school friends. :)

Thanks for the daily assignment sheet idea!


lori said...

I love Donna Young's site as well!! My kiddos get daily agendas too, what a help, everyone knows what is coming!

Happy Thursday!


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