As a Christian homeschooler, I've found that there is so much to consider when planning my kids' education. It didn't take long once I started browsing curriculum fairs, attending conferences, talking with other homeschoolers or reading blogs before I found myself caught up in the young earth/old earth and creationist/evolutionist debates, wondering which account of American History is accurate, and how much should I really focus on America that much at all in the whole scheme of world history, anyway? And for goodness sakes, is it okay to read Greek myths with my children??? Whew! By the time I wrestled with all of that, frankly I didn't have time to consider math. It just... is, right? How can you argue with it? How can it be secular vs. Christian? Is just is what it is. Numbers.
Or is it more?
Last week I came across an interesting e-book called "Beyond Numbers," written by Katherine Loop. I really enjoyed it. I hadn't realized it, but I needed to look at math in a new way! Did you know that the very existence of math is a testimony of God's faithfulness, and is a testimony to His character? Math is not neutral! Nor is math curriculum which simply has Bible verses on the bottom of the page a "Christian Math Curriculum." You can download the e-book or order the book here.
She and her family also have a blog that I just found and it looks great!
I just wanted to pass this along to you today and encourage you to start your new school year with a fresh perspective on math. It's all for His glory!
May You Live a Life Finding Joy
5 months ago
Thank you so much for posting this!
Wow..that's interesting.
We use Saxon Math. This will be the first year that I have all three of them on it. So far, we are happy with it.
Thanks for the links
Very interesting post Cyndi! Thanks for posting this! I am going to read the ebook this week :) Oh, and I laughed aloud when I read how you wrestled with all the thoughts you mentioned ~ that is the very place I am in now! I have wrestled so much about the Greek Myth queston and how to teach a young earth History of the World to my children! LOL! We truly must be soul sisters! And, thank you so much for your email with the missionary information. I am going to be looking into the ones you mentioned. Blessings to you and your sweet family!
I am contacting everyone on the Laced With Grace blogroll to say....
As a contributor to the Laced With Grace Devotional Site, I want thank you for your faithful readership. September is our one-year anniversary. We are please to announce we have a permanent new address. Please change your link to include this new address.
Thank you. Lynn
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