"To those who wonder if they could possibly teach their children at home, I want to say, 'The Lord God will help me; therefore I shall not be confounded: therefore I have set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed.' (Isaiah 50:7) "
~Elisabeth Elliot in the foreword to The Heart of Homeschooling
May You Live a Life Finding Joy
5 months ago
Thank you, I needed that today.
We have put school on hold for my eldest for the time being with my husband 2000 miles away and me packing to move said 2000 miles it is far to unorganized here.
But I am getting antsy about moving to Maryland after living in Oklahoma...the laws on homeschooling are so different. I have to find an umbrella school and get registered and get real cirriculum, etc., etc.
It was so fun to look at all your school supplies. That was always one of the greatest things for us to do when we were homeschooling. I know we will be able to return to that in three years after our older son has graduated and we move. I am looking forward to that so much! Have a great year!!!
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